Back to the blogMar 20, 2022

Meet Tameka Frank: NextGen Development Consultant

Laura Miller
Laura MillerCEO
Meet Tameka Frank: NextGen Development Consultant

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Tameka Frank is a born problem-solver. 

If she sees something that could work just a little better, she’s on the case. Whether that’s customizing NextGen and Epic reports or wiring a ceiling fan, Tameka Frank is the kind of person who never accepts that something can’t be fixed. “Just let me look at it,” she’ll say. Then she’ll roll up her sleeves and dig in, working at the issue from as many angles as it takes to get to the solution.

This attitude makes her perfect for Team TempDev, where working with clients’ technical problems is her daily task. As a development consultant, Tameka works on fixing NextGen issues when things aren’t performing as expected — especially when it comes to building and troubleshooting reports. She also develops custom solutions so that medical staff can get the most out of NextGen software. 

While developing solutions for generating reports isn’t exactly the kind of work that doctors and nurses are most excited about, Tameka knows that getting these details right can make a big difference in their practice overall. For example, Tameka has developed reports that let staff see exactly what types of screenings and tests patients are due for so they can run a report against the list of the day’s appointments to better understand patient needs. 

“With the right report, you see everything patients are due for and the last time it was done — all in one place,” Tameka explains. “This reduces all the unnecessary clicks when you’re in the room with the patient.” 

For staff, having this information at the touch of a single button means they can feel more prepared for each patient and put their focus on care instead of wondering which screen they need to pull up to double-check a record. 

Tameka knows from personal experience just how those seemingly small touches can add up to make or break your day in a medical office. Tameka got her start in the front office of a pediatrics practice, where she was the first person patients worked with during their appointments. Tameka always knew she wanted to help people and that she was interested in medicine, so she decided to, in her words, “dip my toes in the water” by completing a medical assistant program. That training would allow her to explore the medical field to see if it was right for her.

It was — but not exactly in the way she expected. 

Tameka enjoyed helping children and families in her work, but it turns out what she really liked was the computer. A big part of her job was to enter patient information and make use of the various functions in the practice’s EHR, and she loved it. Whenever she had a chance, Tameka dug a little deeper into the program, learning tricks and shortcuts to make her office work a little easier.

As she began sharing her ideas with the rest of the staff, she naturally became the go-to person to fix problems and figure out solutions.

And when her practice merged with another and switched over to NextGen, Tameka naturally became the point person for understanding the complexities of the system and helping teach others how to get the most out of it. 

“I loved it!” Tameka recalls. “Having people come to me with something that’s bugging them and then being able to fix it? That’s the best feeling. I love it when I’m the one who can bring them that big sigh of relief.”

Given her talents and passion for this work, Tameka transitioned into more administrative and training work within the practice and eventually moved into full-time NextGen development work. While not a traditional path into IT, Tameka’s experience of working directly with medical staff and patients gave her valuable insight into the workflows and special requirements that her clients are looking for. It also made her empathetic to their needs, which allowed her to listen better so she could truly improve their user experience.

Tameka was thrilled to transition to working at TempDev, where she can devote all her energy to problem-solving for clients. She loves that TempDev is truly a family-friendly company that prioritizes work-life balance. “At TempDev, having a family is okay!” Tameka says. 

Even when she’s not working, Tameka is still solving problems. She’s a committed DIYer who loves nothing more than a good house project. “You can learn anything from Google and YouTube,” she says. But that may be too modest — it takes something special to have the confidence to run electrical wires through the ceiling to hang a new lighting fixture. Ditto for learning how to replace your car’s brakes. Tameka isn’t afraid to take on new challenges, and she’ll happily dig into a problem for hours, carefully picking it apart and putting things back together to leave it better than it was before.  

“I love anything related to self-improvement,” Tameka says. “I never want to feel stuck, so I’m constantly looking for ways to improve.”

That hard work is paying off for Tameka Frank personally — and for all of her grateful clients. They all know what has always been true: If it’s broken, Tameka will fix it.

Interested in working with Tameka Frank and the TempDev Team to customize and optimize your NextGen EHR & PM to meet your needs? Contact us here or call us at 888.TEMP.DEV to get started on building your next project!


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