Back to the blogOct 3, 2021

Meet Bradley Cash: NextGen Implementation Consultant

Laura Miller
Laura MillerCEO
Meet Bradley Cash: NextGen Implementation Consultant

Bradley Cash, also known as Brad, became interested in healthcare while he was still enrolled at Valdosta State University. Sick with swollen tonsils, Brad made a trip to the college infirmary, where the doctors told him his tonsillitis was the worst they'd ever seen. He went through a routine surgery and stayed at the hospital overnight. Brad's charming self quickly made friends with the nursing staff and began to intrinsically know this is where he needed to be.

“I was in the recovery room, and woke up after my procedure,” Brad remembers. “I hit it off with the doctor's nurse, who was also his practice manager. I guess I made her laugh a lot, and she said that if I was around for the summer, she would hire me. I told my dad when I got home, and he said, ‘call her back and tell her you’re here for the summer!’”

Brad worked at the ENT clinic for 10 months before eventually landing a job with a large gastroenterology clinic in Jacksonville, FL, and assisted with implementing a new EMR system. He met Laura Miller, the founder and CEO of TempDev, at a NextGen User Group Meeting. Laura and TempDev both impressed Brad, and he came to work for TempDev shortly afterward.

Brad’s main role at TempDev is to train health care staff and providers either when they make the switch to the NextGen EHR system or upgrade it. He provides day-to-day, on-site support by answering any workflow questions or solving any problems that facility staff may have with the clinical side of NextGen.

“I’m right there beside them to support them if they have questions, or if they can’t exactly remember what to do, or how to document what they need,” Brad said. “I love that moment when the system just clicks for someone who’s new to it, or they finally got that one piece they were struggling with. It’s so nice when I can see I’ve done my job well.”

One of Brad’s most memorable projects was a long-term partnership with a client who supporting all of the clinics in their southeast Texas market. Brad trained new staff, made the rounds to each of the clinics to answer questions, and made sure the system was working okay on the ground. He redesigned workflows, and flagged any issues that might need changing or updating in NextGen. Brad also started their superuser group, which was a core group of nursing staff from each office that knew the most about NextGen. These staff could assist other employees when he wasn’t there.

“Usually, I was the person in the office that knew the most about NextGen and the most efficient way to use it,” Brad said. “I trained their superusers on the doctor’s workflows and some of the front office workflows, so there was always somebody on site who could help.”

Sometimes, if there's a critical issue that needs to be addressed, Brad makes adjustments for clients on-site. If a workflow isn't part of TempDev's original assessment of the clinic, but the client needs that support, he factors this when building his client’s NextGen instance. For example, Brad once worked with a client that had a clinic go live that billed patients for no-show appointments. That required a custom workflow that was built on-site.

Brad’s most challenging implementation was his first, but that was also the training that helped him fall in love with his current role. When he first started with TempDev, he had never done a full training by himself and had always had someone to assist. But during his first week onsite he was supposed to have a knowledge transfer but plans fell through and he had to take over for another more experienced trainer.

"I was thrown into the deep end right away, but by the end, everybody got what they needed," Brad said. "It was definitely a learning experience for me, and it ultimately made me more comfortable doing training sessions when I nailed the first one. I thought, imagine what I’ll be able to do when I have even more experience!”

Bradley Cash has been with TempDev for nine years, and he’ll tell you it's the best place he’s ever worked. TempDev feels like a family and makes its workers feel supported. For example, the team always celebrates each other's milestones, whether it's a PMP certification, a recent addition to someone's family, or another life event. The team is also supportive when someone is facing a professional challenge, and reaching out to management is easy in such a transparent and nurturing environment.

Bradley Cash has a degree in massage therapy from the Heritage Institute in Jacksonville.He still practices massage occasionally, but not formally. His friends joke with him about his cooking skills, because the only thing he cooks himself is spaghetti. Otherwise, he orders in. When Brad’s not working, he’s playing video games — likely Apex Legends or Destiny 2 — or hanging out with his friends. In fact, his favorite t-shirt came from a friend of his who is a streamer, and it says “You Matter” on the front. He loves streaming on Twitch and is a bowtie aficionado.

If you're interested in discovering what NextGen can do for you and you're interested in working with Bradley Cash or any of our other highly qualified NextGen consultants, contact us here or call 888.TEMP.DEV.


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