Back to the blogOct 18, 2020

Benefits of Custom NextGen EHR Templates

Laura Miller
Laura MillerCEO
Benefits of Custom NextGen EHR Templates

Your NextGen EHR is a powerful tool. To fully harness that power, you may need custom NextGen EHR Templates. Utilizing NextGen Template Editor and SQL, you can create custom templates to personalize your NextGen system to increase efficiency, improve quality, and reduce reporting burdens. Here are five important benefits of custom NextGen EHR Templates. 

Make Your EHR Work with Your Workflows

When you implement an EHR system, some of your workflows must change. That does not mean that you should reconfigure your entire practice to meet the needs of your EHR, however. With custom NextGen Templates, you can make your EHR work for you, rather than the other way around.

Many practices today face unique challenges. From clinics overwhelmed by COVID-19 testing to large practices struggling to coordinate across sites and specialties, TempDev’s custom NextGen EHR Templates can help. Custom Templates embed your workflows into your EHR system. This makes it easy for providers to enter the right data at the right time. By making your system work with your existing workflows, you can increase satisfaction with the system and reduce burnout. You can also ensure appropriate documentation and billing.

TempDev has created custom Templates for many types of organizations, including:

    Ease Documentation and Billing Requirements with Custom NextGen EHR Templates

    With custom Templates, you can ensure visits are properly documented, every time. User-friendly Templates help providers enter supporting documentation for orders, treatment plans, and prescriptions. With proper documentation, you can lower the share of denied claims, saving you time and money.

    Several of TempDev’s customizable Templates are designed to ease documentation and billing. For example, the Flu Clinic Template lets you document flu shots without opening individual patient charts. It both saves clicks and helps you meet quality reporting requirements. You can also customize the Flu Clinic Template with default billing options for patient groups (such as children and adults) to help you get reimbursed more easily. 

    Another example is the COVID-19 Testing Clinic Template. This Template lets you order and enter results for COVID-19 testing without opening individual patient charts. It both saves you time and helps you meet COVID-19 documentation and public health reporting requirements. The COVID-19 Testing Clinic Template can also be customized to include default lab vendors. Then, providers ordering COVID-19 testing do not need to manually enter lab vendors for each test, saving time, reducing errors, and increasing patient satisfaction. 

    TempDev can help you create the custom clinic Templates you need to quickly document and bill for your most frequently performed services.

    Address Workflow Problems

    Your NextGen EHR can improve your efficiency and help you find weak points in your processes and workflows. But each practice has unique goals and faces different challenges. TempDev can help you create custom Templates to improve performance metrics that are critical for your organization. With custom Templates, you can also change key metrics over time. As you solve problems or change workflows, you can adjust your monitoring strategy to assess new metrics.

    TempDev’s customizable Templates can help you improve key areas like practice efficiency and order management. For example, the EHR Operations Advisor Template can help you manage day-to-day patient volumes, track provider’s documentation practices, and see visit patterns. For example, the Template tracks missed appointments, E&M codes entered, chart notes entered, and recent encounter details. You can customize the Template to fit the needs and goals of your practice. If your organization is struggling with patient workflows or documentation, a custom Template can help you pinpoint where your processes are breaking down.

    Custom Templates can also help you keep track of open orders. By centralizing order management, you can save your providers time and hassle, reducing EHR burnout. You can also increase patient satisfaction and care quality by finding and addressing open orders quickly. You can customize your order management system to focus on your business's key problem areas, such as open referrals or missing labs.

    Monitor Your Key Quality Metrics

    Payers are increasingly tying payment to performance on quality measures. Your revenue now depends on your ability to monitor and improve your quality performance. With so many different quality initiatives in use, each practice needs custom Templates to monitor their key metrics.

    TempDev’s NextGen EHR Quality Measures Dashboard Template helps you see your performance on key quality metrics in one place. Using this Template, you can identify gaps in care and address them before it affects your patient care and revenue. The Template is fully customizable to the quality measures you need to track, such as HEDIS, UDS, and MIPS. You can also change quality measures over time as you join new programs or identify new metrics to track.

    Reduce Reporting Burdens with Custom NextGen EHR Templates

    As payers like Medicare and Medicaid shift from paying for volume to paying for value, reporting requirements have increased. From the Medicare Quality Payment Program to HEDIS measures to Accountable Care Organization (ACO) quality measures, every practice faces new quality reporting requirements. Meeting these requirements does not have to be a struggle, however. TempDev has developed a suite of quality Dashboards, Reports, and Templates to help you track and report on quality measures with ease. 

    With these existing tools as a starting point, TempDev’s Nextgen template developers can help you create custom NextGen EHR Templates focused on the combination of quality reports unique to your practice. These custom Templates can help you track your performance throughout the year. By having quality metrics at your fingertips, you can identify and resolve problems well before the end of the reporting period. Custom Templates can also help you aggregate your quality data and submit to the appropriate entities, easing year-end burdens on your staff.

    How TempDev Can Help

    TempDev’s NextGen developers can help you create custom Templates & SQL scripts for any business need or workflow. From customizing existing Templates to creating something entirely new, TempDev can make your NextGen system work for you.

    Call us at 888.TEMP.DEV or contact us here to get started creating custom Templates to meet your needs. 


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