Back to the blogJul 18, 2020

Integrate Nextgen EHR and Patient Satisfaction Surveys

Rachelle Wheeler
Rachelle WheelerProject Manager
Integrate Nextgen EHR and Patient Satisfaction Surveys

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Understanding your patient's concerns and satisfaction after coming to your clinic is an essential step in optimizing your practice. One way of gathering this information is through patient satisfaction surveys. The benefits of the survey lie in implementing patient feedback to improve your practice and patient experience. Finding ways to incorporate your patient satisfaction survey data into NextGen EHR and NextGen EPM is crucial in today's healthcare system. This is because while a vast number of clinics have an EMR or EHR system, they are not using it to its full extent. Some may feel that patient surveys are not essential to advancing patient care and the patient experience, but understanding the following strategies proves otherwise. 

Automate Patient Surveys with Medfusion Integration  

With the growth in the industry, there are many options available to conduct satisfaction surveys electronically. NextGen Healthcare's acquisition of Medfusion allows for patient satisfaction surveys to be integrated with NextGen EHR & NextGen EPM. With Medfusion Measure, automatically send surveys and received patient responses into NextGen. 

Knowing your patient population will give you an idea of the best type of automation needed for the surveys. Your patients may not use the NextGen Patient Portal or Medfusion but will likely respond to the survey via text message instead. WELL and Intrado are options that offer a contextual texting option to conduct patient surveys with seamless integration into NextGen with the NextGen API. 

Electronic surveys have higher response rates because they are not as time-consuming as conventional paper surveys. The data from such surveys is also much easier to analyze because there is no data entry needed, and teams will spend less time sorting through various responses. 

Another tool that can be utilized to gather survey data is Phreesia. Using Phreesia in conjunction with NextGen allows your practice to review analytical data and dive into patients' feedback. The setup and configuration of the Phreesia patient surveys are easy to integrate with NextGen.

An essential step in creating your survey is standardizing the questions so that patients clearly understand what is being requested. It's important to ask the right questions to ensure you receive authentic responses.

  • Ask essential questions only, such as how satisfied are you about our services

  • Make the questions open-ended

  • Make the questions easy to understand and straight to the point

  • Focus on the key areas of patient satisfaction such as the interpersonal relationship they have with their healthcare provider

Sort Survey Results by Location

Group the results from the survey according to your practice's service locations. This helps you in determining various trends in patient satisfaction rates based on different sites. The data collected from your patient surveys will be crucial in helping you sort out the results and allow for a more in-depth analysis. You'll be able to address issues and make changes at specified locations based on the responses received. By integrating a survey solution such as Medfusion, Phreesia, or Asparia, your practice can easily analyze the results.

Make the Survey Anonymous

Many patients are more willing to participate in the survey if their identity remains private. You can do this by de-identifying the response as well as limiting the number of people who have access to the data. Additionally, assure your patients that their answers are private. It makes them trust the process and more open to giving more information.

There are many ways to guarantee that a survey is anonymous. For instance, some clinics assign random patient numbers instead of using the patient's name. This enhances patient satisfaction survey data accuracy as people are more likely to be honest when they know their identity is safe. 

Conduct Patient Satisfaction Surveys Shortly After Clinical Visits

When a patient visits your facility, try to find out more about their experience and reach out to them with the survey shortly after their visit. This action makes it easy to conduct a patient satisfaction survey every time you perform a visit. Use NextGen EPM or EHR system integration to trigger the survey being sent for all your patient appointments. You can add the survey responses into the patient's clinical record as needed. 

Performing the survey right after the time of the visit provides the patient with fresh thoughts on their interaction and experience. If too much time has passed after the visit, patients may forget their experience or have time to dwell on interactions in the office. You'll want to gather the most accurate data and immediate surveys give you that option.

Merge Patient Survey Results with NextGen EHR Data

Merge the non-anonymized information collected from patient surveys with NextGen EHR records. This helps you contextualize each patient's response based on the data available in their chart. It will enable you to know the number of responses that you need to draw valid conclusions from the patient satisfaction survey and give you a true representation of the patient's needs. 'Was the patient new?' 'Did the patient have a procedure?' These are all questions that can be answered if the results are merged with the patient's chart. It will provide you the context of their visit with their answers.

Implement Patients' Ideas

Patient satisfaction survey data is useless if you don't act on the information to improve clinical and financial operations. Truly caring for your patient goes beyond their medical needs, but includes their gratitude and grievances of their experience in the clinic. These surveys may create opportunities for workflow optimization within NextGen EHR or EPM. You must be capturing the data to know the proper action to implement.

Partner with the Right Experts

Partnering with the right team of experts will help you seamlessly integrate Nextgen EHR and patient satisfaction survey data. TempDev consultants are experts when it comes to handling data, especially on a large-scale level. This will help you streamline and fast track the survey process. Partner with TempDev by clicking here or calling 888.TEMP.DEV to assist you in developing your survey, integrating the right tools to perform the survey, and then disseminating the information. Once the data is analyzed, TempDev can assist your team with workflow needs to enhance your patient experience. Whether it means front desk changes, more efficient scheduling, complete documentation, or better customer service, whatever it is, TempDev can help.


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