Back to the blogJan 13, 2020

Open Orders NextGen EHR Report

Laura Miller
Laura MillerCEO
Open Orders NextGen EHR Report

Close the Order Loop with the Open Orders NextGen EHR Report

Managing a medical practice grows more complicated each year. You have to keep abreast of medical advances, federal and state regulations, and reimbursement rates. Each of your providers faces ongoing challenges, including a lack of patient compliance. The practice cannot run as it should unless providers, staff, and patients are all doing their part. That's where the TempDev's NextGen Healthcare consulting experts and their solutions come in. One excellent way to monitor patient compliance is by closing the order loop using the Open Orders NextGen EHR Report. Contact TempDev at 888.TEMP.DEV or here for a demo of the report or to try the report before you buy it.

TempDev recommends using this report to check for patient compliance with providers' orders. The average patient may agree to go for testing, procedures, or immunizations during an appointment but then fail to follow through because of forgetfulness, indifference, or financial worries. Since many of these orders are performed outside the provider's office, getting results back can easily fall through the cracks, which means you don't know if the patient had the tests. The direction of patient care is often based upon these results, so having them available is of the utmost concern for quality patient care. Orders remaining open can also mean a reduction in quality scores (including MIPS, HEDIS, & PCMH) since many are dependent on receiving results, and your practice takes an unnecessary financial loss. Fortunately, the Open Orders NextGen EHR Report lets you see your outstanding orders so you can followup with the patient or lab for them to be complete.

CPOE is now standard practice with NextGen EHR, but these orders also must be completed by back-office staff and billed for if performed in the office. No one wants to lose reimbursements on unbilled orders such as office services, procedures, labs, radiology, and immunizations performed. All too often, staff forgets to click the Submit to Superbill button, and there is no audit for these services being missed without the Open Orders NextGen EHR Report.

Open Orders NextGen EHR Report Overview

The Open Orders NextGen EHR Report provides key information about both open and unbilled orders on the practice and individual provider level. It is written with Microsoft SSRS and can be easily developed into your Business Intelligence software, such as Microsoft Power BI. When you run the report, you receive data on which procedures your patients have failed to have done or your staff has never marked completed. You can also see which orders were completed but unbilled. The report gives you both line data as well as helpful graphs, which let you quickly measure patient compliance, back-office staff accuracy, and billing completion. You can then use this information to find ways to up your patient compliance rates, staff performance, and improve your order billing.

Practice Statistics

When it comes to open and unbilled orders, you need to evaluate the entire practice before delving into individual providers. The practice portion of the report gives you both figures and graphs illustrating how many open orders exist for labs, diagnostics, immunizations, office labs, office services, and procedures. Your patients may be failing to follow through on certain procedures or diagnostics more than others. It may also show a systemic problem in your office due to the need to retrain your nurses and medical assistants. It may also lead to discoveries around vendor partners not returning results.

Even when patients do have the ordered tests and procedures, your staff may fail to bill for them. In the unbilled portion of the report, you can see how many completed orders have yet to be billed. The report highlights orders where someone forgot to click "Submit to Superbill" on a NextGen EHR template, a common but frustrating error. Armed with this information, you'll be able to take corrective action so that you don't miss out on billing for essential and expensive office services, a failure that can significantly impact your revenue.

Most practices face billing issues that harm their bottom line. In particular, charge lag is always a serious problem, so you want to run this report daily to ensure timely billing and reimbursement. Doing so is a fast and straightforward way to improve the practice's efficiency and reimbursements in this area.

Provider Statistics

This report gives you the same statistical categories as you received for the practice and individual providers. Easy-to-read graphs complement the figures so you can instantly tell which providers have high numbers of open and unbilled orders. In addition, the report gives you in-depth information on each provider's individual patient orders. You get the patient name, encounter number, order date, and order type, such as lab, office lab, etc.

Most importantly, the report describes the orders in detail. For instance, the patient lab order may contain multiple tests and ordered weeks ago. You can see the order status and determine if it was sent and/or completed. This data gives you insight into which orders are most often left undone and whose patients are most likely to delay or not follow through at all. It can also signal a staffing issue and the need to retrain staff if they are missing providing vital information to patients to have tests performed. Providers with problems in this area can then take steps to increase patient compliance in order to protect their health.

This data also allows you to improve revenue flow while ensuring that patients get the best possible care. Providers need these test results so that they can formulate the most effective treatment plans. Often, they can't even begin treatment until they receive this information. Test results also educate patients about the state of their health, prompting some to make necessary lifestyle changes and return to the provider for regular followups.

Improving order completion and billing can increase your quality scores (MIPS, HEDIS, PCMH), which are tied to your payments from payors. The emphasis on these quality scores continues to rise each year. Open and unbilled orders are an unnecessary drain on your practice. With the Open Orders NextGen EHR Report, you can more easily identify and communicate your concerns to the staff. Providers can work to improve patient compliance and be more vigilant about their order billing procedures. In addition, your providers can improve follow up with patients who fail to show up for tests. Phone calls, emails, and even text messages can spur patients to return for these tests and procedures.

NextGen EHR Report Open Orders

The TempDev Advantage

TempDev's NextGen consultants work with medical organizations to improve critical management processes. Providers work hard to give their patients the best treatment possible, but patients do not always do what the doctor says. Patients may decide to delay the ordered procedures or immunizations or skip them altogether. No one enjoys these orders, but providers frequently don't have time to ensure patients complete them. That's where the Open Orders NextGen EHR Report comes in.

TempDev's NextGen consulting team understands your needs and has developed products for NextGen EHR to help you meet them. They have the knowledge and experience to help you streamline your practice procedures so that patient treatment is enhanced and billing is timely. TempDev will recommend products that are suited to your particular practice and then offer the support you need to implement and maintain them.

Don't let open and unbilled orders compromise your patient care and revenue flow. Take advantage of the Open Orders NextGen EHR Report. By using this information, you should soon see improved patient compliance and more accurate billing. Contact TempDev at 888.TEMP.DEV or here for a demo of the report or to try the report before you buy it.


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